Whittier International Elementary School
315 W 26th St.
MN 55404
Office Hours: 8AM-4PM
Breakfast starts at 8:55
Student day is 9:10-3:40
Main Office | 612-668-4170 | |
Attendance | 612-668-4186 | |
School secretary | Farhiyo Mohamed | 612-668-4173 |
Principal | Anne Wagemaker | 612-668-4171 |
Assistant Principal | Rob Rand | 612-668-4172 |
Somali Language Support | Nuh Mohamed | 612-668-4192 |
Spanish Language Support | Dani Valero | 612-668-4190 |
Family and Student Engagement | Sherrick Mcrae | 612-668-4189 |
Health Services | Pat Arnold and Cori Engen | 612-668-4186 |
Transportation | Neil Radford | 612-668-4176 |